Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Phew~ Was really bz with work this wk.. Have to learn new things and handle a new trade called 'Perkins'.. It was a total mess sia.. I have to struggle sooooo much.. It was so different from my present work.. After trying to work on this trade, I realised tat I was quite shallow.. It was a gd experience as I have more exposures to shipping.. I was quite stressed up as I have difficulties handling the shipment.. But with my persistance, I managed to finish 1 voyage and I'm glad tat it's sort of over.. Lolx!!

Yesterday, I have went for my 1st lesson.. Hmmm.. The lecturer was a Mr. Nice Guy.. He's an indian and he sounds like some big shot.. Haha.. His family owns a law firm and almost his whole family r lawyers (his wife, daughter & daughter-in-law, etc).. He's a man with great knowledge.. Tink he knows practically almost everything on earth.. Haha.. He makes his lessons interesting and fun.. It's hard to come by such lecturers these days.. My pass lecturers r juz plain boring.. I tink afterall, it's not tat bad la.. I will have to go a for a few more lessons to comment more on this issue.. Really looking forward to knowing ppl from the sch..

Monday, July 10, 2006

World Cup Final

It was such a happy day today.. I've won a little from the World Cup Final soccer match.. Perhaps, it is wat ppl call the beginner's luck.. My company has set up a pool for this final match and we are to guess the score at the end of the 90 min match.. And I'm one of the lucky 4 winners who guessed it right.. I was so happy the whole morning.. It juz made my day.. =)

I stayed up late to watch the match.. When I know I've won, I was overwhelmed.. Not becoz of winning the money but it was more like a sense of acheivement especially when I know nuts abt the odds out there and I juz place a bet with my instincts and won the game.. Ir is a kind of feeling whereby I duno how to describe exactly in words.. But it is definitely a gd feeling.. But this is not going to make me bet more and become a gambler.. I'm easily satisfied and I will remember this feeling for gd.. =)

Company Outing

I had an enjoyable wkend.. Of coz, there are some unpleasant things tat has happened.. But I guess, I shan't talk abt it since it's already over..

On Friday night, I had a fun night with my colleagues at Costa Sand Pasir Ris Chalet.. Edwin, Lynette and I headed to Bedok 85 Market straight after wk for dinner and we reach the chalet at abt 8 pm.. Everyone is hungry except us as we already had our fill.. It's partially our fault as all the paper plates and stuffs were with us.. As a result, they have to wait til we arrived then they can start eating.. By the time we reach, some of them were already half gone.. Not becoz they are starving badly but it was the amt of alcohol tat they had b4 we arrived. KK looks as though he has applied blusher all over his face.. Mervyn and Nazry was still ok until they were really high, they look like 'stoner'. It was a fun night of card games and drinking session.. Everybody had fun together.. My colleagues are really gd drinkers and they will scare u away once their engine starts going.. They will nv stop till they drop..

Well, well, well.. Tat was how I spend my friday night.. Saturday night was the actual company gathering whereby all will come together and bbq 'chow ta' food.. Haha.. I tink only the buffet which Esther has ordered is edible.. As for all the bbq chefs, I tink they juz cannot make it.. Tat is y I din take much of tat.. But afterall, still muz appreciate them for their efforts to volunteer and sacrifice themselves to stand behind the hot stoves & cook for everyone.. After the outing, I went straight home and watch the funny show which I duno wat it's called.. Then I bathed and continue to watch 'Sleepy Hollow' and I called it a day.. Boring lifestyle eh?? But.. Tat's me.. Leading a simple life is juz as gd and enjoyable.. =)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Past 1 Month..

Wow! I din blog for almost a month le.. Coz I really have no time for it la.. I have been bz with work and WORLD CUP!!! I don't watch EVERY match but only for those which I tink tat it's worth spending my time watching them.. Other than tat, I'm bz with my enrolment at SCCIOB (Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business) for a diploma course in Shipping Management & Law.. I duno if I can adapt as I haven't been studying for the past 2 yrs.. Hope tat I can cope well with both my work and studies.. My class should start nx wk but has been delayed to 25/07/2006. My dad has got me a laptop as a form of encouragement and it's his way of showing his love for me.. Really appreciate ur tots and thanks dad for the laptop, it'll definitely comes in handy..

On top of all these, I'm really happy for my sis, Silver. She has given birth to a baby boy, Enzo.. He has really big eyes and curly hair.. Babies are soooooo cute to me.. I juz love kids.. They r juz so pure and innocent.. Anyway, congratulation sis!! Gotta take good care and we'll meet up real soon together with little Enzo again..