Sunday, October 15, 2006

| A Sunday Evening Spent With AK |

I was awaken by a call by Nel @ 11 plus ba.. Haiz.. Me still in lala land lor.. But I wun blame him la.. Coz he's juz showing me some care and concern.. Thanks bro! Then after tat I got nth to do le sia.. Damn sian lor.. Rotting at home and duno wat to do.. I ended up surfing net and taking a nap the whole afternoon lor.. Boring hor?? But bo bian leh.. I can only look forward to 6 pm of the day.. Coz.... AK will be meeting me near my place to discuss some issues la..

I get to know a new fren thru AK, and his name is JV.. Haha.. Looks familiar la.. But duno seen him from where.. ANYWAY, I had dinner with AK at Aji-sen Ramen.. Then he accompanied me to do a little shopping.. And I've got myself a mouse.. BUT!! When I reach home and open it hor, it wasn't the ideal mouse tat I wanted lor.. Diao~! Sian 1/2 man.. But no choice le la.. Juz bear with it lor.. We went to the pasar malam near the shopping centre and there isn't much things lor.. I tink nowadays, the pasar malam business is not tat gd ya?? Plus nth much to see also.. The only thing tat interests me is the chocolate tu-tu kueh.. I've got some for my dad and the coconut one for my mum coz tat's her favourite..

While we're on our way home, we've witnessed something happening lor.. Haha.. A chao ah lian(or shall I call her a lao lian lor coz she's at least 40) was screaming at some Prudential staffs who are there putting up a roadshow.. I tink her son was approached by them and he has signed up some plans with them ba.. Then she muz have tot tat they r cheating her son's $$.. She wanted a refund and the ger told her tat she has thrown away some documents le.. And u know wat the angry mum says in mandarin?? 'Diu diao?? Ni diu diao?? Wo diu ni NBCB ar!!!' WA!! Fierce lor.. I got a shocked leh.. And she insisted a refund from them.. She's making such a big scene sia and it draws quite a big crowd to stand ard KPOing lor.. Keke.. Her son looks young la.. Maybe between 18-20 lor.. Can see tat he's damn embarrassed le.. Then his mum juz go on shouting at them.. She said tat the ger was lucky as she did not have any alcohol before she came down to confront them.. If not, she will sure beat her up til very jia lat.. I tink the ger muz have felt threatened lor.. Poor thing leh.. The auntie even said she dun mind to end up in the police station and get charged for assault as she will only be jailed for 3 wks.. Seems like she knows the law a lot hor?? Or she's a regular customer to Changi Women Prison?? Whahaha.. Zo seng li with this kind of customer also kang kor and tao tia sia.. Haiz.. Auntie, relac la.. Maybe it's ur son's fault leh?? Maybe he convey the wrong msg to u?? Anyway, he is juz signing up a policy ma, how can u say ppl cheated on ur son leh?? He is old enuff to go for wat he wans ma.. It's an agreement and he has signed the contract willingly also one lor.. I dun tink anyone use weapons to threaten him lor.. Lolx!!

But duno y those Prudential agents r aiming teenagers and students leh.. When AK and I walk pass tat time they also got jio us lor.. Keep asking AK if he was from NTU or which institute.. Damn no standard la.. Keep telling us tat there is a lucky draw for us.. Pls lor.. U tink we gian ar?? Whahah.. How old liao?? At the end we juz shun off la.. No pt wasting our time listening to them also.. Haha.. AK, u know y la hor.. They nv see who they r approaching sia.. Anyway, it's partially ur fault lor.. Look like a student and dress like one some more.. Then I look like Jie jie bring Di di go out like tat.. Whahaha.. =P

So nx time u know hor, wana meet me then u better send some effort and time to dress urself up ya?? Keke.. Hope to c u again soon.. Catch up ar.. Dun only look for me when u have a motive ar!! Haha.. Oh ya, hope tat u'll get a speedy recover to ur knee hor.. Even though u're starting sch tomorrow but u've gotta take care and try to rest more also ok?? Dun miss me too much and we're bound to meet soon.. =)

0145 HRS

Saturday, October 14, 2006

* My Third Boring Wkend Since 29/09/2006 *

I was damn tired today lor.. Seriously hor, I slpt at almost 4am last nite and I woke up abt 3.5 hrs later to go to work lor.. Damn tired lor.. Plus I'm sick hor, it juz make things worse ya?? Haha..

I found tat tink recently I'm very occupied with my work, family, colleagues and frenz lor.. Guess it's heaven will ba.. Haha.. I'm suppose to meet Nel this afternoon to accompany him to shop for his bermudas.. But in the end I aeroplane him la.. Coz I was too tired when I'm on my way to work and I juz wanna go home and slp after my work.. Tat's was my plans for the day(initially la).. BUT!!! In the end, I've received an email from my colleague with subject heading 'KTV later'.. And pls lor!! U guys r not far away from me when u're discussing abt the event lor.. Whahaha.. Then when I walk pass and act like nth, my colleague ask me 'Oei! U got read ur email or not??' And my reply was 'Oei! U got check ur email or not?? Then he juz say 'ok ok'.. In the mail I said tat I dowana go coz I'm tired and broke.. But he keep asking me to go la.. But seriously lor Jeff, I still dun understand wat u mean by 'just lah'.. Or do u mean 'just go lah'??? U've sent me twice 'just lah' in 2 different replied mails and I really catch no ball lor.. Hee.. Anyway, I tink u really wanted me to go la.. Thanx for offering to pay for me when I tell u tat I'm broke hor.. But I tink u only wanna bribe me go only.. Whahaha.. Relac la.. Juz kidding only..

At the end of the day, I went la.. And I felt bad lor.. Coz INITIALLY my plan was not to go out with Nel le ma.. Then 'tng chu orr orr' de ma.. Then I dowana disappoint my colleagues so I went la.. Heng hor, Nel is a computer 'bai chi'.. So I dun tink he'll ever finds out the truth or even my blog site.. Whahaha.. *Evil Grinzzz*

Had a great session with Alice, Wan Chein, Esther and Jeff.. We sang from 2 to 7pm lor.. Keke.. After tat, I went home straight.. Then I was suppose to go out again de lor, even though I'm freaking tired le.. But then some joker din call me after her work lor when I've told her to do so.. Then when I finish the KTV and call her hor.. She is already PLAYING MAHJONG lor!! U say I TL or not la.. Wanted to arrange to meet up at night but still carry on with her own plans w/o telling me lor.. Then I've decided not to go out le la.. No more mood.. Plus I'm also tired le la.. So!! I've decided to stay at home to watch TV.. Some recorded shows tat my dearest Dad purposely record for me during those nites tat I'm not ard.. After tat surf net lor.. Always leading a boring life la.. Then someone suddenly msg me in the middle of the night telling me tat he wana go kill himself coz he lost all my personal informations tat I've given him.. Maybe he has misplaced it or something la.. Then I call him and chatted for awhile.. But HEY!!! Comes to tink of it hor.. Wat if my personal info gets into the hands of a 'huai ren'??? Then give me prank calls??? Stalk me when on my way home??? AK, becoz of u hor.. Now I'm endangering & exposing myself to sooooo much dangers!! Whahaha.. I tink too much ya?? Aiya, wateva la.. Anyway, pls dun worry for me too much ok?? I'll be fine de la.. U know wat I'm talking abt de.. Will look after myself and get cured de ya?? =)

I tink I need to get a gd rest and slp well tonite lor.. Have been sick and slping damn late and waking up early daily.. I tink I cant carry on to lead such a life for long ba.. Sure will age faster de lor.. Hee.. Ok la, go be my Miss Piggy liao.. =)

Mood : Pissed and spoilt
0103 HRS

Friday, October 13, 2006

^ Where Have I Been ? ^

OMG!! I haven been blogging for more than 2 months le!!! Haiz.. Damn tight with my own schedule sia.. Gotta work la.. Gotta study la.. Gotta spend time with family la.. Hahaha..

Actually I've wrote a blog on how I've celebrated my bday de.. But then tat night I 'sway' lor.. Stupid blog site got prob.. Then I din save as draft.. Then watever i've type was gone in juz 1 SEC!!!! Whahaha.. Kinda sad.. But I was more pissed la.. Hehe.. Then nv blog.. TIL NOW!!!! N tat was like so long time ago le lor.. Hehe..

Anyway, soooooo much things have happened in the past 2 mths.. I tink I shan't tok abt my personal stuffs in this blog.. Coz it's damn long and I have so much things to tok abt it.. Hehe.. Look out for the nx blog ya?? Provided I got the time to write abt it also la.. Keke..

SO!! Wat have I been doing?? Where have I been le?? Same lor.. Work, study and home.. Wkends free then go gai gai lor.. Whahaha.. Boring ya?? Then only great thing tat I've done during these 2 mths was........ I WENT TO TIOMAN!!! Went tanning and now I'm a bit 'orh orh' le.. But I tink I look better when I'm more tan ya?? Hehe.. No longer the 'bai zhan ji' cum sick ger look.. I look like a zombie when I'm fair lor.. Hee.. This trip is so meaningful to me.. Who did I go with??? Frenz lor.. Not with bf or guy hor.. Hehe.. Cannot mention names here la coz it's a sensitive issue.. Haha.. If 2 person happens to see or read this, then they'll be unhappy or pissed as 1 of them duno the truth and the other was protesting when I've made up my mind for this short runaway.. Haha.. Or maybe only 1 person will be mad and unhappy la.. I've enjoyed myself quite a lot but it was also spoilt by someone la.. Haiz.. But there are still really happy and fun thing like i did snorkelling and guess wat??? Those fishes are juz right in front of me leh.. Sometimes, they r juz beside me when I keep still.. So cute and I tell u lor, underwater world is soooooooo beautiful.. Hmmm.. I'm missing tat place le, even though it's a little bit 'lok kok',, Haha.. Maybe I'll go for scuba-diving when I have the opportunity ba.. It was a really short breakfree for me from my probs.. I know running away doesn't helps or solve my probs but I juz wan myself to be happier and prob-free at tat moment.. This trip makes me realise so much things tat I've missed out for the past 3 yrs.. Like say my freedom?? Some really important ppl in my life like my family and frenz??

I've seen the most noble thing tat my mum has ever done for me recently.. Was rather touched by her way of protecting me.. I only realised tat she loves me so much from 1 cruel incident tat broke her heart so much tat I can sense and feel her pain.. It's true tat sorry is the hardest word to say.. I really wanted to say sorry to her even though it wasn't my fault or me who broke her heart.. 'Mum, I'm sorry..' *Oh no!! This is making me going emo.. Whahaha.. Ok SKIP!*

Friendship is something tat is more important than BGR.. But it's human's nature to overlook it once they're in love.. And as time goes by, u'll keep away from ur frenz as u're so engross and focus on ur partner.. Tat is wat happen to most ppl and it's a common mistake made.. Anyway, ppl dun realise a lot of things til they've been thru it personally.. But tat's life la.. If u chose not to learn things the simple way, then go for the hard one lor.. =)

Up to date, I tink this is the hardest lesson tat I ever had.. But it was well-taught and I've grown so much from it ya?? Really learning it thru the hardest way but it was all worthwhile after all.. I'm juz like a slping beauty who slps for more than 3 long yrs.. Most of the ppl felt tat I was blinded and some even ask me if I got tio 'gong tao'.. Haha.. Well I'm not lor.. And I'm really fine.. No matter wat, I'll take care of myself.. This I'll promise those who are still worried for me.. I really grow up le la.. Whahaha.. Stop treating me like a baby ya?? I know wat is best for me de..

I wanna thank those ppl who have been there 4 me all these while.. 1st person tat comes into my mind, Yvanna.. Thank u so much for ur support all these while.. Thanx for always encouraging me to go for wat i wan and believing tat watever decisions I've made, it's right and the best.. I know some times u felt like slapping me and shake me hard enuff to wake me up from my dreams but u know tat only I have the key and alarm clock to wake myself up.. I'm really touched and is really grateful to have known u.. I guess at a pt of time u felt like giving me up ya?? But in the end u din.. And luckily u din.. Whahaha.. Coz I'll be so lost w/o u.. *getting mushy le* Hee..

Nx will be this group of special frenz tat I've known only for barely 1.5 months.. They have shown me the true meaning of 'tat's wat frenz r 4' theory.. U guys rawk!! Love u all so much too.. Really had so much fun whenever we're together.. Even though some times all of u may be 'a little' problematic la.. But after all, still ok la.. Not bad lor.. And pls dun turn me into an Auntie Agony anymore.. Coz I hate it!!! Hahaha.. I'm in difficult positions at time and I'm EMO!!! If u got me affected, I'll cry de lor.. Hehe.. A big thank u to u guys!!

As for L, I know u love me a lot.. But I hope u'll remember wat I've told u lor.. I guess u'll find tat special someone one day de.. Dun give up ok?? Like I've said, I wan something tat will last and not getting ourselves into shit and felt broken at the end of the day.. Dun love a person who is not worth it ok?? Frenz 4eva..

Actually I've soooo much things to say u know?? But then I tink everytime when I got the time to blog hor, it will be quite some time le.. Then got a lot of things happen but duno how to spell it out.. And everytime ending up typing a long and boring blog.. Whahaha.. Tink ppl also not interested to read sia.. Haha.. Sadz.. Anyway, like almost nobody knows abt my blog site.. *Faintz*

Well, shall call it a day.. This blog very long le.. Later cannot post again I'll Kill Myself!!! Shall elaborate more on my lastest situation and share with u guys some of my tots and feelings.. =)


*P/S : Friday the 13th October is over le.. Haha.. Today I was heng in the morning then 'sway' at night lor.. Rush my work like mad and still cant finish!! Whahaha.. I tot I'll be fine de wor.. Who knows tat I'm a 'sway cheng'!! But nvm la.. Now over le, jiu hao lor.. =P